Laura Kalbag
Primary design concentration:
Web design
Most preferred tool for designing:
I love Sketch on OSX. I run the latest version of the beta, and it’s rapidly improving all the time. Sketch combines vector graphics with easy export for web and app design.
How and why did you choose to become a designer?
I wanted to be a designer ever since, about aged ten, I took a taster class in packaging design. That then became an obsession with print design, and then I later found I most preferred the openness and friendliness of the web industry, an environment where universal design is the main goal.
What are some of the challenges you encounter as a designer and how do you deal with them?
I think the greatest challenge a designer comes across is their own ego. It’s in our nature, as those that deal in creativity, we have egos that allow us to consider our work good enough to share, and good enough for clients to pay us.
However, too much ego and we’d never iterate past our first draft of any design work, we’d never pay attention to client requirements, and we’d never allow anyone to tell us if we’re wrong. In my experience, my best work has been done when I’ve set my ego aside and worked collaboratively with clients and others.
What is your definition of an “elegant solution,” that is, good design?
Good design is design with purpose and meaning. It’s a solution that really solves a problem and makes for a good user experience.
From skills to values, what makes a designer successful?
A successful designer mustn’t be limited to ‘visual design.’ It’s so important to consider all the factors relevant to the design. This means a successful designer should be a good researcher, a good reader, and a good analyst. Above all, a successful designer must be a brilliant communicator. Designs are valueless without the means to explain why they are the way they are.
How do you stay motivated and grow personally and professionally as a designer?
I find the web a very motivational place, as there are so many people doing and sharing cool things. I love going to conferences, as this gives me an opportunity to learn from smart people and meet other enthusiastic designers and developers.
For those aspiring to become a designer, whatever the discipline, what is your advice?
Work hard and know your worth. Whatever discipline, creative work is often undervalued and underpaid. If you find those that value you, you will find work so much more rewarding and enjoyable.
WordPress App Store icon-style logo design
What is your quest in design, from a professional practice, education or evolution standpoint?
I probably have too many! But above all, I’d love web designers to learn more about accessibility. It’s not just something that affects web development, and taking the time to design sites that are more inclusive could make a huge difference to many users.
Previous: Amanda Jones | Next: Joseph and Katie Thompson

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