March 22, 2012
“Everything you do as a business includes multiple choices for your customers. It doesn’t matter if you give them the choices—they have the choices. Features, benefits, prices, promises, support, etc. They can love it, hate it, be indifferent, etc. But they can also be confused. And ‘I’m confused’ is the worst option of all. If your customers are confused, you’re in deep trouble. ‘I give up, unhappily’ is next.
This is what clarity is all about. It’s about eliminating ‘I’m confused’ answers. Lots of people think simplicity is the opposite of confusion (‘It’s confusing, let’s make this simpler’). It’s not. The opposite of confusion is clarity.”
Jason Fried, Co-Founder and President of 37signals
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Wishing you much success,
Nate Burgos, Content Creator & Publisher
Since its original version, Design Feast was redesigned once and then for the second time.
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